Deutsch | German

Grün & Gold, Band 1
Coming of Age, 12+
Ein neues Schuljahr am Internat Tannenberg beginnt. Bei der Feier am ersten Schultag bekommen die Zehntklässler die neuen Siebtklässler als Patenschüer zugeteilt. Als Piet seinen Schützling Tim sieht, fällt er aus allen Wolken. Der rothaarige Tim erinnert ihn an seine erste Liebe. Und mit einem Mal sind all die verwirrenden Gefühle von damals wieder da. Dabei ist Piet doch eigentlich in einer glücklichen Beziehung mit Thea.
Published July 11th 2024 by dtv

Grün & Gold, Band 2
Coming of Age, 12+
Piet ist talentiert und beliebt. Nun wurde er auch zum Schulsprecher gewählt. Und doch ist er frustriert – und verwirrt. Immer wieder kommen alte Gefühle für seine erste große Liebe Lukas hoch. Zu allem Überfluss scheint sich auch sein Mitschüler Henry auf einmal für ihn zu interessieren. Überfordert von seinen Gefühlen distanziert er sich immer mehr von Thea – und riskiert so seine Beziehung und beste Freundin zu verlieren.
Englisch | English

Coming of Age, 12+
A new school year begins at Tannenberg boarding school. The 10th grade sophomores are old hands, but this year they get to (have to?) help the 7th grade newcomers transition into the school. It should be easy for Piet, the model student, but his mentee Tim proves to be a bit … difficult. It doesn’t help that Tim reminds him of someone he doesn’t want to remember …

Coming of Age, 12+
Piet has been elected school rep!
He is frustrated – his mentee TIm won’t let anyone get close. But Piet lets something – or someone – get a little too close to him. Meanwhile, Tim tries (in his own way) to help his roommate Molle get closer to his crush. Will this be a good idea?
And who the heck is Levi?

Coming of Age, 12+
A panic attack – and that in front of his classmates. Will anyone be able to get through to Tim afterwards? Henry’s new roommate uncomfortably gets to know more about him when he moves in than Piet did during the three school years they spent together. And while Piet keeps turning and turning, he doesn’t listen or look at others. And then suddenly Lukas is standing in front of him.

Coming of Age, 12+
Tim has run away! Piet blames himself terribly. Henry listens to him. And Henry also has an open ear for his new roommate Levi, who pours out his heart to him.
There is one ray of hope for Piet: Lukas wants to meet him. Will that work out after they haven’t seen each other for three years?

This is a spin-off to my ongoing webcomic „Green&Gold“, featuring grown up Henry.
Henry has reached a time in his life where he can’t go on like that. His friends send him off for a vacation to recover.
He is burnt out. Tired from grieving over a loss of a close one.
On a rainy day at the sea, he meets Sven.